Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wukuf: A Humbling Experience

Set in a lesser-than-convenient location, Wukuf in Arafah is a training ground for a Hujjaj. Arafah, like Mina, is without any fancy sky-scrapper; it is a desert on any other day. A pilgrim leaves Makkah to stop for a while at Arafah where he would sleep in a tent that houses around 16 people (or even more) at a time. There is only a small mattress that limits movement with a not-so-plush pillow and a blanket with plenty of patience in between at all time, including at the time when your bowel requires easing. 

This is because toilets are placed to facilitate three to four nearing tents, maybe five. That would mean 100 people or lesser. Sometimes, the ladies' toilet is just next to the gents and the only barricade is a flowing bed sheet that one of the Hujjaj has decently put. Not only these toilets are there to facilitate nature's call; it is there for showering and to some, even washing. 

Ayat Tiga Puluh

The zikr of these ayat will provide three:
  1. A contained heart
  2. Safe from theft and Shytan
  3. Abundance of Rezeki
Ayat Tiga Puluh is a compilation of different parts from the Quran that can be read day and night at one go. Bookmark you Al-Quran for quick reference. Understand that with the crowded Haramain, you will have the least comfort to flip through the pages. So clever preparation of favourite surah will maximize the use of time. 
  • Al-Hasyar (21-24)
  • Al-Baqarah (1-5)
  • Surah Kursi 
  • Al-Baqarah (256-257)
  • Al-Baqarah (283-286) - which is excellent for Witir
  • Al-Araf (54-56)
  • Al-Isra' (109-111)
  • As-Saffat (1-13)
  • Ar-Rahman (33-35)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Solat-solat sunat

Before you leave, make sure you have a reference book on this where you need/would want to do:

  • Solat Hajat
  • Solat Tasbih
  • Sunat Dhuha
  • Solat Hadiah - for our dead parents/ grandparents
  • Solat Jenazah
Knowing the weight of each solat and sunat will occupy your time, allowing you to concentrate to take place. Of course, there are other solat sunat like the ones before and after obligatory prayers.

Doa Tawaf Paling Ringkas

Pusingan pertama - Subhanallah
Pusingan kedua - Alhamdulillah
Pusingan ketiga - La illaha Illah
Pusingan keempat - Allah Akbar
Pusingan kelima - La haula wal kuata illa billah
Pusingan keenam - Selawat ke atas Rasulullah
Pusingan ketujuh - Astaghfar

Sifat Mahmudah

  1. Penyabar
  2. Bertanggung-jawab
  3. Tolong-menolong
  4. Penyayang
  5. Bercermat
  6. Amanah
  7. Bertaubat
  8. Bertimbang-rasa
  9. Ingat Mati
  10. Pemurah
  11. Menepati Janji
  12. Rajin
  13. Redha
  14. Ikhlas
  15. Benar
  16. Tawakal
  17. Zuhud
  18. Taat
  19. Pengasih

Sifat Mazmumah

  1. Pemarah
  2. Takabur
  3. Riak
  4. Mungkir Janji
  5. Penipu
  6. Tiada Redha
  7. Pemalas
  8. Keji-mengeji
  9. Bermegah-megah
  10. Bermuka-muka
  11. Umpat-mengumpat
  12. Ibadah paksa
  13. Pembohong
  14. Cerca-mencerca
  15. Sombong
  16. Kufur Nikmat
  17. Kedekut
  18. Anti-kebaikan
  19. Hasad Dengki
  20. Khianat
  21. Ego
  22. Syirik
  23. Kurafat
  24. Masam muka

Tempat-tempat yang Afdal Doa

  1. Tempat Tawaf - bila-bila masa
  2. Di Multazam - tengah malam
  3. @ Pancur Emas - waktu sahur
  4. Belakang Makam nabi Ibrahim - waktu sahur
  5. @ Hijr Ismail - waktu Asar
  6. @ Bukit Safa - waktu Asar
  7. @ tempat Saie - waktu Asar
  8. @ Marwah - waktu Asar
  9. Arafah - Waktu Gurub (setengah jam sebelum maghrib)
  10. Mudzalifah - Waktu Gurub
  11. Ketika melontar di ketiga-tiga jamrah - ketika naik matahari
  12. Mina - Tengah malam


1. Selepas Zuhur

  • Ayat Seribu Dinar x 33
  • Surah Yassin
  • Surah Al-Waqiah
  • Surah Al-Sajadah
  • Surah Ar-Rahman
  • Surah Al-Mulk
  • Surah Ad-Dukhan
2. Selepas Asar
  • Surah Ikhals x 200

3. Hendak tidur
  • Ayat Kursi x 33
  • Al-Fatihah x 33


Cara-cara mendapat ketenangan hati:

  1. banyakkan sedekah
  2. banyakkan zikir
  3. solat sunat - solat tahajud (untuk menaikkan darjat); solat tasbih (untuk pengampunan dosa)
  4. banyakkan bacaan Al-Quran - amalan sebelum tidur (Al-Waqiah/ Al-Mulk/ Al-Hijr)

Common sayings

Dzikir 'subhanallah, walhamdulillah wa la illaha illah' adalah seumpama menanam pokok untuk berteduh di padang Mahsyar.

Dzikir counter/ Rosemary

Be it while waiting for the call of azan or during breeze-walking along the road, one can easily note that a tasbih (rosemary) is at hand. The motion of flicking the next bead after saying a supplication (dzikir) is done in a quick manner to a similarity of breathing in air, instead of saying 'breathe in'. Some are even able to do it as they are in a conversation while others are in deep trance, drowning within the meaning of such supplication.

While majority remains loyal to the traditional form which ranges from the most colourful stones to an array of wood, decorated with flashy threads that adorn the heads of the rosemary, there are those who fancy the high tech version. I, for one, opt for the metal-sort which requires me to push a button so a count appears but very noisy. There are of course, other ranges of modern tasbih. I have seen one that looks like a ring. The owner simply hides it away from prying eyes, under her telekung (praying garment). This particular gadget is silent and small in size. Mine, on the other hand, comes in two faults: it requires some strength to push the button, particularly of late (almost hinting that it needs some greasing to do) and it attracts a lot of attention, thanks to its sound (tapi Alhamdulillah, it works).

Some time a week after our arrival in the Holy City of Makkah, Mak fell and her only means of holding back from having her face landed on the walking pavement was her left hand. Due to this, her little pinky looked something like a railroad track that went off-rail. Abah straightened it back and it has been swollen since then (Having her right hand broken at three points before, she seems to be able to identify this injury as dissimilar). There are times when she would utter claims of pain despite that we had applied an anti-swollen cream, purchased from a nearby pharmacy. Abah then remembered a particular dzikir that eases pain if one chants it for three thousand times, hoping that Allah will grant Mercy and take away the sufferings. And so, it is my China-made, sound-making tasbih counter that enabled me to do it. Alhamdulillah!

Checklist for Arafah

  1. Knee-high stockings (5 sets)
  2. Plastic matts (1)
  3. Casual long tudung (1)
  4. Undergarments (3-4)
  5. Handsocks (1)
  6. Body wash (El-Hajj) (1)
  7. Telekung (2)
  8. Jubah (2)
  9. Kain batik (1)
  10. Pants to be worn under the jubah (2)
  11. T-shirt (2)
  12. Torchlight (1)
  13. Small towel (1)
  14. Spray pump - for quick ablution (1)
  15. Medicine
  16. Stone bag (1)
  17. Anak tudung (2)
  18. THTS ID card (1)
  19. Tabung Haji Bracelet (1)
  20. Food (1)
  21. Wet wipes (1)
  22. Pantyliner (3-4)
  23. Walking socks (2)
  24. Mineral water
* Suggestions: A small 'cabok' to ease self when passing motion in the toilet. Expect pipe hosts to be missing.

Waiting for Arafah

We were called for a briefing this morning. It was about the movement to Arafah and its details (always be on the alert for briefings- they'd post up announcements outside the cafe where we have our meals). As the crowd began to gather, a level of anticipation mounted amongst us; most of us had no idea how this part of the journey would be like. At first, some only opted to remain seated at the back but this changed as soon photos of Arafah, Mina and Muzdalifah were shown on slides. Eyes were brightly litted as some made the effort to stand up in order to get a better view.

Although the journey to Arafah, Mudzalifah and Mina is about 22 KM from Makkah, it was expected to be a journey of patience. I am planning for this journey well in hope that Allah will grant me my dua'.

The briefing was held yesterday morning. Still, there were updates that needed attention as they put up notices this morning. I am keeping it simple for I know the limited space within the tent that the hujjaj are placed, not to mention the limited number of toilets. I pray that Allah will make ease my journey for it is Him who decides whoever among His servants to attain Nikmat or otherwise.

Tazkirah before leaving for Wukuf

Some of the highlights are:

  • When one is at awe over the distance between Mina and Arafah, the most appropriate reaction is not 'Wah, jauhnya!' or 'Boleh buatnya, Insya Allah'. It is better to say 'Masya Allah, tabarakallah'.   
  • Write clearly the No. of Maktab that you are staying, Camp no. and Mattress no. on your bag pack and over-nighter.
  • Make sure all obligatory exercises are done before leaving for Arafah - your mandi sunat ihram, wearing of ihram, solat sunat ihram and niat ihram
  • Prepare three to four (3-4) days of clothing, a little food for quick nutrition and medicine supply.
  • Pay attention the number of Maktab placed outside the bus; each maktab has different number.
  • Make sure that the maktab badge is always on you.
  • Understand that you will be in the same tent with another 15-16 people and there will 10 toilets for 1500. So, forget comfortable. Think simplicity.
  • Expect heat to be a constant companion. Exercise a lot of patience. Stay outside but under the shades because the air is windy and the more you recite your supplications, the cooler it gets.
  • Always pay attention to landmarks.
  • Bring ropes for in-house clothing lines.

'Tak tanya pun' in a Ping-pong Game

I remember a game I used to play as a child with my circle of friends where everyone would tease each other with this phrase - 'tak tanya pun'. It is uttered when one spontaneously gave away too much information about what he did earlier before being asked. At first, it was fun but when the phrase was often said, it was so annoying that I specifically remember, wanting to smack another kid's face for her continuous use of such phrase.

Several days ago, I was reminded of this phrase. As newbies to any pack, the three of us (my parents and I) agreed to mingle around during meal times. Empty seats for three were often rare occasions. We struck lottery only when we would join readily-occupied tables with a couple whom are at midst of delighting their own meals.

It was not much of a required matter to have a conversation but we tend to mingle when we are at the present of strangers. I believe that this is what most of us call as socializing. We say hello, get to know the other party, ask where they are from, crack a few jokes before moving on. Maybe. Sometimes we remember them when we pass them; other times, it was just another passing moment.

Nonetheless, its dynamics is complex. Socializing, by theory, takes two to tango. When one starts the dance, the other is expected to react. Otherwise, there is no dance. 

It is this similar dynamics that would happen in any socializing process until one decides to leave the floor. When a question is asked, it needs the favour to be returned. It is not as much as minding one's business but more of making small talks. Sometimes, a smile or a raised brow would suffice. It is this same matter that relieves stress after a crazy tug-of-war episode at the overcrowded Saie Door or the battle against the contagious cough. It is another simple human form of connecting and getting along with each when difficulties test the most of us. But when one decides not to return the favour in this ping-pong like situation, one actually disconnects himself from the socializing process. The reason can be numerous. One of which is the possibility that he is hesitant over prying eyes. So the silence. 

But here again,  some are never equipped with the understanding that the other party has decided to bail out from the ping-pong game and so they continues to talk. Now, when this happens, that party would risk himself into a vulnerable state of 'tak tanya pun' (normally  not uttered).

My coming for Hajj

My first pilgrimage which was eight years ago was with a certain purpose. It was to attain solace after a terrible heartbreak. For some who knew me then, would have remembered my dramatic (often capricious) episodes at workplace after my unsuccessful engagement phase. I was at a point of devastation to its utter literal definition. I remember work becoming lesser important than crawling into bed and sulk over the pain. Pathetic was a word that I associated myself then. I remember going to work with puffy eyes and having no choice but smile weakly when someone asked, "Have you been crying?". I turned myself into a misfit; I would rather isolate myself from colleagues till Allah showed me the way out. I was blessed since my workplace has it own Hajj programme where its director had an immediate link with the Saudian Hajj officials. I went off after three weeks of the incident.

Again, the same extent of miracle happened for my second Hajj. Unlike friends who have registered for years, I registered myself at Tabung Haji only earlier this year.After some trying episodes that tested the extent of my eagerness and sincerity at going, the whole family was blessed by His Grace and given the opportunity to go.

If Allah should aid you, no one can overcome you; but if He should forsake you, who is there that can aid you after Him? And upon Allah let the believers rely (Al-Imran: 160).