- A contained heart
- Safe from theft and Shytan
- Abundance of Rezeki
Ayat Tiga Puluh is a compilation of different parts from the Quran that can be read day and night at one go. Bookmark you Al-Quran for quick reference. Understand that with the crowded Haramain, you will have the least comfort to flip through the pages. So clever preparation of favourite surah will maximize the use of time.
- Al-Hasyar (21-24)
- Al-Baqarah (1-5)
- Surah Kursi
- Al-Baqarah (256-257)
- Al-Baqarah (283-286) - which is excellent for Witir
- Al-Araf (54-56)
- Al-Isra' (109-111)
- As-Saffat (1-13)
- Ar-Rahman (33-35)